======================================================= ======================================================= # Verb ending types: I: -(y)im -sin (-dir) -(y)iz -siniz -(dir)ler ("to be" endings) II: -m -n -ø -k -niz -ler III: -(y)eyim -(y)esin -(y)e -(y)elim -(y)esiniz -(y)eler IV: X -ø -sin X -in/-iniz -sinler (X = does not exist) Present Continuous, Aorist, Future, Inferential past, Necessity: I Past, Conditional: II Subjunctive: III Imperative: IV ======================================================= Forms I #Present continuous | Şimdiki Zaman Stem ending in vowel: Drop stem vowel -iyor (the o does not change for vowel harmony) # Aorist (Simple present) | Geniş Zaman Stem ending in vowel: -r Stem ending in consonant, polysyllabic: -ir Stem ending in consonant, monosyllabic: -er 13 exception verbs: -ir (see below) # Future | Gelecek Zaman -ecek # Inferential past | Belirsiz Geçmiş Zaman -miş # Necessity | Gerelilik Kipi # (should/must) -meli ======================================================= Forms II # Definite Past | Belirli Geçmiş Zaman -di # Conditional | Şart Kipi -se (attach to the end of any other tense, or directly to stem) ======================================================= Forms III # Subjunctive | İstek Kipi (no suffix before endings) ======================================================= Forms IV # Imperative | Emir Kipi (no suffix before endings) ======================================================= * Aorist Exceptions: almak - to take bilmek - to know bulmak - to find durmak - to stop gelmek - to come görmek - to see kalmak - to stay olmak - to be/become ölmek - to die sanmak - to think (sanırım = I suppose, I think) varmak - to arrive vermek - to give vurmak - to hit ======================================================= =======================================================