# Söz Türleri: (parts of speech (kinds of words)) Isim - Noun Zamir/Adıl - Pronoun Sıfat - Adjective Fiil - Verb Zarf - Adverb Ilgeç - Postposition Bağlaç - Conjunction Edat - Particle Ünlem - Interjection Şimdiki Zaman - Present tense Belirli Geçmiş Zaman - Definite Past tense Belirsiz Geçmiş Zaman - Indefinite Past tense Gelecek Zaman - Future tense # Durum (case) Yalın - Nominative Belirtme - Accusative Yönelme - Dative Bulunma - Locative Çıkma/Ayrılma - Ablative (from, of, because of, via, through, than) Tamlayan/İlgi - Genitive # Random Tekil - Singular Çoğul - Plural # Consonant Alternation: Ending consonant changes when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel p > b ç > c t > d k > ğ * Not all word undergo this change. * Proper nouns won't have this written, but it will be said If ending consonant is one of the following 8 (voiceless consonants): p t k s ş ç f h And is followed by one of the following 4 (voiced consonants): b c d g Then it becomes (voiceless consonsants): p ç t k # To be: -(y)im -sin -(dir) -(y)iz -siniz -(dir)(ler) # Possessive Pronouns (Genitive): benim senin onun bizim sizin onların # Possessed (by pronoun): -(i)m -(i)n -(s)i -(i)miz -(i)niz -leri *Not used if using possessive suffixes in addition. E.g., El havlusu > El havlum (my hand towel) *Add buffer (n) and not (y) if adding a grammatical suffix to 3rd person: El havlusunu seniyor (she loves her hand towel) # Present Continuous: Stem ending in vowel: Drop stem vowel -iyorum -iyorsun -iyor -iyoruz -iyorsunuz -iyorlar # Negative: Add -ma or -me to stem # Past # görülen geçmiş zaman (d may change to t) -dim -din -di -dik -diniz -diler # Heard Past # duyulan geçmiş zaman -mişim -mişsin -miş -mişiz -mişsiniz -mişler # Future -ecek or -acak -(y)eceğim -(y)eceksin -(y)ecek -(y)eceğiz -(y)eceksiniz -(y)ecekler # Aorist/Present # Geniş Zaman Stem ending in vowel: +r + ending Stem ending in consonant, polysyllabic: +ir + ending Stem ending in consonant, monosyllabic: +er + ending 13 exception verbs: +ir (see below) -im -sin -ø -iz -siniz -(ler) * Exceptions: almak - to take bilmek - to know bulmak - to find durmak - to stop gelmek - to come görmek - to see kalmak - to stay olmak - to be/become ölmek - to die sanmak - to think (sanırım = I suppose, I think) varmak - to arrive vermek - to give vurmak - to hit # Negative Aorist/Present Normal stem plus: -maz/-mez (-ma/-me for I/we) plus stem I: -m -sin -ø -yiz -siniz -(ler) # Passive: Stem ending in consonant (not l): -il Stem ending in vowel or l: -(i)n # Causative: Stem ending in vowel or r: -t Stem ending in consonant (not r): -dir *Some stems ending in ç or ş: -ir *Some monosyllabic ending in -k: -it *Some stems take -k -ıt -ar -er. *Görmek is irregular: göstermek (to show) Double causitive is possible: ölmek - to die öldürmek - to kill öldürtmek - to have someone killed # Ability Can/Might Positive: Add to stem: -ebil/abil (from bilmek) Can't Negative: Add to stem: -(y)eme/(y)ama (-e + -me) Might Negative: Add to stem: -meyebil (-me + -ebil) *You can have both together in the negative Gidemeyebilirim - I might not be able to go # Extra suffixes Reflexive: -(i)n Reciprocal: -(i)ş (mutual action) Repetitive: -(i)ştir -ify, -ize: -lemek Become: -leşmek # Order of suffixes: 1. Reflexive 2. Reciprocal 3. Causative 4. Passive -me + -ebil or -eme are added after these. # Verb ending types: I: -(y)im -sin (-dir) -(y)iz -siniz -(dir)ler II: -m -n -ø -k -niz -ler III: -eyim -esin -e -elim -esiniz -eler Present, Aorist, Future, Inferential past, Necessity: I Past, Conditional: II Subjunctive: III # Location words: Üst - top Alt - bottom Ön - front Arka - back Yan - side Orta - middle # Indirect speech "Onun partiye gidip gitmediğini bilmiyorum" I don't know whether he went to the party or not. "O partiye gitti mi bilmiyorum" I dont know if he went to the party. "Seni sevip sevmediğimi bilmiyorum" I don't know if I love you or not. "Seni seviyor muyum bilmiyorum" I don't know if I love you. # As soon as -r -mez gider gitmez = as soon as (I) go "Ben oturur oturmaz telefon çaldı" As soon as I sat down, the telephone rang. # Imperatives N/A -(y)in -sin N/A -(y)iniz (only very formal and on public signs) -sinler # Imperative (impatient form) -sene (2nd singular) -seniza (2nd plural) # Subjunctive -eyim -esin -e -elim -esiniz -eler # Should Stem + meli + to be # Conditional Stem + tense ending (usually aorist or present continuous) + (y)se + II -(y)sem -(y)sen -(y)se -(y)sek -(y)seniz -(y)seler # Suffixes -lık, -lik, -luk, -lük suffix 1. Abstract noun (-ity, -ness) 2. Collective noun (the old, childhood) 3. Usage noun (place, tool, for ...) 4. Turn numbers into nouns (that can be used like adjectives) #--- -(y)en So the -(y)en ending is for the "subject particle". It is kind of like a word ending in -ing in English. It can be a noun or an adjective. I think it would best translate as "(the person or thing) that is VERBing" Beklemek = to wait (noun) Bekleyen = The person who is waiting | the thing that is waiting (adj.) Bekleyen adam = The man who is waiting OR The waiting man #--- # demek ve yemek Ünlü Daralması Türkçede a, e ünlüleri ile biten fiillerin şimdiki zaman çekiminde, söyleyişte de yazımda da a ünlüsü ı, u; e ünlüsü i, ü olur: başlıyor (