#--- How to create the 10 forms: The letter after the number indicates which teshkeel to put on the second and first root letter in the present tense. 1 *F: Normal 2 KD: Shadda on middle 3 KD: Alif after first 4 KD: Alif before first, sukuun on first 5 FF: Add ت to form 2 6 FF: Add ت to form 3 7 KF: Add إن to form 1* 8 KF: Add إ to form 1*, sukuun on first, ت after first 9 FF: Add إ to form 1*, sukuun on first, shadda on last 10 KF: Add إست to form 1*, sukuun on first * = with second root letter with a fatha **NOTE on present tense: Hollow verbs: Middle vowel always an ا, except for 1 (varies) and 4 and 10 (ي) Defective verbs: Final vowel always a ي, except for 1 (varies) and 5 and 6 (the ت forms) (ا) #--- The meanings of the 10 forms: 1: General verb meaning 2: Causative of 1 Intensive of 1 3: Associative of 1 (describes someone doing the act in question to or with someone else) 4: Causative of 1 5: Reflexive of 2 6: Reflexive of 3 7: Reflexive and/or passive of 1 8: Reflexive of 1 Special meaning relative to 1 (sometimes) 9: Relates to colors 10: Considerative of 1 (to consider or deem someone to have the quality) Requestive of 1 (to request or seek something for oneself) #--- Arabic names of tenses: Past: الماضي #--- Passive: Past: Damma on first letter/suffixeS!!, kasra on second Alif in III and VI change to waw Hollow alif change to ye Defective ending alif maqsoura change to ye with fatha Present: Damma on first letter/suffix, fatha on the rest (save for last damma) Hollow vowel changes to alif Defective ending changes to alif maqsoura #--- Subjunctive (add fatha): Save as present BUT: Replace damma with fatha in 5 endings (I, you, he, she, we) Remove "na/ni" from "uuna", "iina", and "aani" endings #--- Jussive (remove vowel): Same as present BUT: Remove damma from 5 endings (I, you, he, she, we) Remove "na/ni" from "uuna", "iina", and "aani" endings (If verb ends in dagger alif and you need to remove the ending, remove the entire ى) For hollow verbs: (For 5 endings, drop the middle vowel) For defectve verbs: (For 5 endings, drop the final vowel) #--- Verbs: *=rare Present: Positive: Negative: لا + present *Present perfect: Just | Not yet Positive: past + تَوًّا or + لِتَوَّ + pronoun object Negative: لَمَّا + jussive Past: Positive: Negative: لَم + jussive مَا + past (extra emphasis) Past continuous: Positive: كَانَ + noun + present Negative: لَمْ + conjugated يَكُونُ مَا + past of كَانَ (extra emphasis) Habitual past: Positive: present of كَانَ Negative: لَمْ + conjugated يَكُونُ مَا + past of كَانَ (extra emphasis) Future: Positive: سَ + present (attached) (near future) سَوْفَ + present (distant future) Negative: لَنْ + subjunctive Future perfect: Will have | Will not have Positive: Future particle + present يَكُونُ + قِدْ + past of verb Negative: لَنْ + subjunctive + قَد + past of verb Imperative: Positive: Use present tense as a base. Drop prefix (تَـ does not count as prefix for 5+6) 1(sound): Add اِ for fatha and kasra middle vowel, أُ for damma 4: Add أَ to beginning 7-10: Add اِ to beginning Use jussive endings for all 5 "you" forms. Hamzated: Drop hamza as well as prefix Geminated: Normal separation on "-na" form. 2ps has the choice of separation or fatha on the end, e.g., عَدَّ Negative Imperative: لا + jussive #--- Nominal sentences: Present: Positive: noun/pronoun + noun/adjective Negative: conjugated لَيْسَ + (noun, in nominative case) + noun/adjective (in accusative case) Past: Positive: conjugated كَانَ + (noun, in nominative case) + noun/adjective (in accusative case) Negative: لَمْ + conjugated يَكُونُ + (noun, in nominative case) + noun/adjective (in accusative case) مَا + past of كَانَ + (noun, in nominative case) + noun/adjective (in accusative case) Future: Positive: Future of كَانَ + (noun, in nominative case) + noun/adjective (in accusative case) Negative: Negative of future كَانَ + (noun, in nominative case) + noun/adjective (in accusative case) #--- Active participle: 1: فَاعِل E.g., ﻙَﺎﻨِﺑ 2-10: مُ + present tense, first root is sukuuned, middle vowel is kasra Passive participle: 1: مَفْعُول E.g., مَكْتُوب 2-10: مُ + present tense, first root is sukuuned, middle vowel is fatha Place/time: 1: مَفْعَل, مَفْعِل, مَفْعَلَة 2-10: Same as Passive participle Instrument/tool: مِفْعَال، مِفْعَل، مِفْعَلَة، newer words usually use فَعَّالَة #--- Masdar: 1: A few different forms: a: fa3l, fu3uul, fa3al, fa3aal, fi3aalah i: fa3al, fa3l u: fa3aalah, fa3l, fu3uulah 2-10: All forms use infinitive as base. All forms starting with ا add fatha and alif to 2nd root letter (or first separated shadda'ed 3rd letter for 9). 2: te-sukuun in front, remove shaddas, add kasra and ye after 2nd root letter (defectives: Add fatha + ة to the end (to keep "a" sound)) NOTE: Same as feminine form of passive participle 3: mu + past + ة 4: Change vowel on أ to kasra (إ) 5: Same as past, but change 2nd fatha to damma 6: Same as past, but change 2nd fatha to damma 7-10 get kasra on the first and second non-sukuun letters Hollow: For all forms get a ة at the end Assimilated: Change first و to ي Geminated: Separate doubled letters Defective: Add ء to end Ending in ء: Add ة to end #--- Inna and In: #(Followed by attached pronoun or noun in accusative case) Inna = Indeed Inna = that (for قال) Anna = that (for all others) #(Followed directly by verb in subjunctive case) In = that/to (followed directly by verb) #--- Kull(ou) (every, each, all) Each: Singular + un Entire/all: Singular + el + u Every: Plural + el + u #--- Numbers: # Cardinal Universals: - 1-2: Everything agrees (adjectives) - ?3-?9+10: Reverse gender - Idaafa (except where specified) Rules: - 3-10: Plural noun - 11-19: All accusative - 20-99: ones (acc.) + و + tens - 100+: 3digit + و + 2digit # Ordinal Universals: - Agree on everything (adjectives) Rules: - 11-19: Numbers are all accusative (not noun) - 11-19: 3ashara does not get el- on it #OLD RULES================= #Cardinal All combinations (without و) are Idaafaat. (All nouns have nunation, the numbers don't, unless not part of an Idaafah) 1-2: Same gender. (1 and 2 alone are adjectives, not Idaafah) 3-10: Opposite gender. (Plural nouns when no other numbers) 11-99: Nouns and numbers in accusative. Singular noun. 10s same gender ("oona" (n), "iina" (a/g)) 12: 2 becomes ithnaa (n), ithnei (a/g), ithnataa (n +f), ithnatei (a/g +f) (normal dual stuff) 100: مِئَة or مائة (both mi'ah). Always singular, used in Idaafah. Numbers before it are masculine. 101, 102: mi'ah wa waahid(ah). mi'ah wa ithna(ta)ani. With a noun after it, don't use waahid or ithnaani, use the singular/dual noun instead. 103-999: wa after hundreds, and wa with normal single+tens digits, so can have two wa's. 200-900: Idaafah with mi'ah. Often written without space in between the words. 1000: أَلْف, like 100, but it's masc. so it gets feminine numbers before it. 1000000: مِلْيُون 1000000000: مِلْيَار #Ordinal Adjectives that follow noun. Usually definite. Add ة to make feminine (except for 1st). Take sound plurals. 1st: الأَوَّلُ (m) or الأُولَى 2nd: الثَانِي (defective ending) 3-10: Follow active participle form فَاعِلُ (6 = السَادِسُ) 11-19: Both numbers accusative. First gets الـ, never second. Both numbers match noun in gender. 11th is الحَادِيَ عَشَرَ and الحَادِيَةَ عَشْرَةَ 20-99: Tens: same as cardinal, but add الـ. Don't decline for gender, but do for case. Ones: Add الـ . 1st is like 1 in 11th. Add و in between ones and tens. 100, 1000, etc. Same as cardinal, but add الـ. They don't change for gender. #========================== #--- #Adverbs Already: Previously. I've already eaten lunch. سَابِقًا Before. Have you already read this book? مِن قَبْلِ In fact, actually, en fait. She has already left the office. بِالفِعْلِ Then, in that case. وبالتالي or وفي هذه الحالة By the way. بِالْمُنَاسَبَةِ Never (future, present): أَبَدًا Neter (past): قَطٌّ #--- #To know عَرَفَ = to know instinctively علم = to know from having learned فَهِمَ = to understand #--- #Seeing نَظَرَ look رَأى see شَاهَدَ watch بَصَرَ see (not common) #--- # more, most The important things. الأشياء المهمة / الأشياء الهامة The more important things. الأشياء الأكثر أهمية The most important things. أهم الأشياء يبدو مثل... تبدو مثل It looks like رائحته مثل... رائحتها مثل It smells like طعمه مثل...طعمها مثل It tastes like يبدو مثل It feels/sounds like أشعر مثل It feels like (you can only use it with human being)